Zombie - Glissa, the Traitor (Golgari)

Glissa, the Traitor card image

Glissa, the Traitor (pmbs) 96★ #top10k #Deathtouch

#Creature (421):
Ghastly GloomhunterGhastly Gloomhunter card image (znr) 103 #Kicker #Flying #Lifelink
Putrid RaptorPutrid Raptor card image (scg) 71 #Morph
BoneknitterBoneknitter card image (ons) 128 #Morph
SkinrenderSkinrender card image (som) 78 #top10k
Undead MinotaurUndead Minotaur card image (m14) 119
Vengeful PharaohVengeful Pharaoh card image (m12) 116 #Deathtouch
Wailing GhoulWailing Ghoul card image (emn) 112 #Mill
Midnight ReaperMidnight Reaper card image (grn) 77 #top1k
Spiteful ReturnedSpiteful Returned card image (bng) 84 #Bestow
Fell StingerFell Stinger card image (vow) 112 #top10k #Exploit #Deathtouch
Marauding KnightMarauding Knight card image (inv) 110 #Protection
Liliana's Standard BearerLiliana's Standard Bearer card image (m21) 110 #top10k #Flash
Rot-Tide GargantuaRot-Tide Gargantua card image (vow) 129 #Exploit
Feral GhoulFeral Ghoul card image (pip) 381 #top10k #Menace
Dross ProwlerDross Prowler card image (mrd) 64 #Fear
Stronghold AssassinStronghold Assassin card image (sth) 71 #top10k
Ammit EternalAmmit Eternal card image (hou) 57 #Afflict
Agent of ErebosAgent of Erebos card image (jou) 59 #top10k #Constellation
SlitherheadSlitherhead card image (rtr) 222 #Scavenge
Abattoir GhoulAbattoir Ghoul card image (isd) 85
Hound of the FarbogsHound of the Farbogs card image (soi) 117 #Delirium
Creakwood GhoulCreakwood Ghoul card image (eve) 34
GhoultreeGhoultree card image (dka) 115 #top10k
FesterleechFesterleech card image (mkm) 85 #Mill
Vesper GhoulVesper Ghoul card image (dis) 57
EndlingEndling card image (mh1) 89
Wall of LimbsWall of Limbs card image (m15) 121 #Defender
Eastern PaladinEastern Paladin card image (usg) 133
Gravespawn SovereignGravespawn Sovereign card image (ons) 152 #top10k
Nim DevourerNim Devourer card image (mrd) 70
Plague WightPlague Wight card image (rna) 82
Undead WarchiefUndead Warchief card image (scg) 78 #top10k
Shepherd of RotShepherd of Rot card image (ons) 168 #top10k
Draugr RecruiterDraugr Recruiter card image (khm) 87 #Boast
Grizzly GhoulGrizzly Ghoul card image (mid) 226 #Trample
Voracious NullVoracious Null card image (bfz) 125
Quagmire DruidQuagmire Druid card image (apc) 51
Zombie MusherZombie Musher card image (csp) 75 #Landwalk
Gurmag AnglerGurmag Angler card image (frf) 72 #Delve
Liliana's EliteLiliana's Elite card image (emn) 94
NefashuNefashu card image (scg) 70
Contagious NimContagious Nim card image (som) 58 #Infect
Balthor the DefiledBalthor the Defiled card image (jud) 61 #top10k
Josu Vess, Lich KnightJosu Vess, Lich Knight card image (dom) 95 #top10k #Menace #Kicker
Zombie OgreZombie Ogre card image (afr) 129
Dakmor GhoulDakmor Ghoul card image (s99) 70
WoebearerWoebearer card image (mrd) 83 #Fear
Lurching RotbeastLurching Rotbeast card image (hou) 69 #Cycling
Necromancer's AssistantNecromancer's Assistant card image (m15) 107 #Mill
Murk DwellersMurk Dwellers card image (drk) 49
SkinthinnerSkinthinner card image (lgn) 80 #Morph
Putrid GoblinPutrid Goblin card image (mh1) 101 #top10k #Persist
Infectious HostInfectious Host card image (rav) 91
Nim LasherNim Lasher card image (mrd) 71
Desiccated NagaDesiccated Naga card image (akh) 276
Barrow GhoulBarrow Ghoul card image (wth) 61
Hand of the PraetorsHand of the Praetors card image (som) 66 #top10k #Infect
Rictus RobberRictus Robber card image (otj) 102 #Plot
Spark ReaperSpark Reaper card image (war) 106
Grave DefilerGrave Defiler card image (apc) 40
Diregraf GhoulDiregraf Ghoul card image (pisd) 97
Aphetto VultureAphetto Vulture card image (ons) 126 #Flying
Geralf's MessengerGeralf's Messenger card image (dka) 63 #top10k #Undying
Silumgar ScavengerSilumgar Scavenger card image (mh1) 107 #Flying #Exploit
Rot HulkRot Hulk card image (gnt) 3 #Menace
Unstoppable SlasherUnstoppable Slasher card image (dsk) 119 #top10k #Deathtouch
Moaning WallMoaning Wall card image (hou) 72 #Defender #Cycling
Corpse AugurCorpse Augur card image (c15) 17 #top10k
Phyrexian GhoulPhyrexian Ghoul card image (usg) 148
Unbreathing HordeUnbreathing Horde card image (isd) 121 #top10k
Zombie MasterZombie Master card image (lea) 137 #top10k
Graveborn MuseGraveborn Muse card image (lgn) 73 #top10k
Hunted GhoulHunted Ghoul card image (avr) 110
Deepwood GhoulDeepwood Ghoul card image (mmq) 131
Persistent ConstrictorPersistent Constrictor card image (dsc) 22 #top10k #Persist
Bone MiserBone Miser card image (c19) 15 #top10k
Nightscape FamiliarNightscape Familiar card image (pls) 48 #top10k
Yixlid JailerYixlid Jailer card image (fut) 93
Boneyard DesecratorBoneyard Desecrator card image (otj) 81 #Treasure #Menace
Wight of Precinct SixWight of Precinct Six card image (gtc) 84 #top10k
Lazotep SliverLazotep Sliver card image (cmm) 733 #top10k #Amass
Tresserhorn SkyknightTresserhorn Skyknight card image (csp) 73 #Flying
Vizier of the ScorpionVizier of the Scorpion card image (war) 111 #top10k #Amass
Silversmote GhoulSilversmote Ghoul card image (m21) 122 #top10k
Geth, Lord of the VaultGeth, Lord of the Vault card image (som) 64 #top10k #Mill #Intimidate
Cursed MinotaurCursed Minotaur card image (akh) 85 #Menace
Dross CrocodileDross Crocodile card image (5dn) 47
Tattered MummyTattered Mummy card image (akh) 278
Warpath GhoulWarpath Ghoul card image (m10) 120
Spined BasherSpined Basher card image (ons) 172 #Morph
Sidisi, Undead VizierSidisi, Undead Vizier card image (dtk) 120 #top10k #Exploit #Deathtouch
Ebondeath, DracolichEbondeath, Dracolich card image (afr) 100 #top10k #Flying #Flash
Null ChampionNull Champion card image (roe) 121
Ravenous RotbellyRavenous Rotbelly card image (mic) 22 #top10k
Shambling GhoulShambling Ghoul card image (ori) 119
Rank and FileRank and File card image (ulg) 65
Warren SoultraderWarren Soultrader card image (mh3) 110 #top10k #Treasure
Razorlash TransmograntRazorlash Transmogrant card image (bro) 122 #top10k
Grudge KeeperGrudge Keeper card image (cns) 28 #top10k
Cadaverous KnightCadaverous Knight card image (mir) 110 #Flanking
Blind CreeperBlind Creeper card image (5dn) 42
Lotleth TrollLotleth Troll card image (rtr) 177 #Trample
Shambling GhastShambling Ghast card image (afr) 119 #top10k #Treasure
Anurid MurkdiverAnurid Murkdiver card image (ons) 124 #Landwalk #Swampwalk
Corpse HarvesterCorpse Harvester card image (lgn) 62 #top10k
Grixis SlavedriverGrixis Slavedriver card image (con) 46 #Unearth
Dripping DeadDripping Dead card image (lgn) 67
Zul Ashur, Lich LordZul Ashur, Lich Lord card image (fdn) 326 #Ward #NEW
Haakon, Stromgald ScourgeHaakon, Stromgald Scourge card image (csp) 61 #top10k
Ashen GhoulAshen Ghoul card image (ice) 114 #Haste
Glissa SunslayerGlissa Sunslayer card image (one) 202 #top10k #Deathtouch
Writhing NecromassWrithing Necromass card image (dmu) 115 #Deathtouch
Refurbished FamiliarRefurbished Familiar card image (mh3) 105 #top10k #Flying #Affinity
Black Oak of OdunosBlack Oak of Odunos card image (bng) 62 #Defender
Morkrut BehemothMorkrut Behemoth card image (mid) 114 #Menace
Murderous Rider // Swift EndMurderous Rider // Swift End card image (eld) 287 #top10k #Lifelink
Rathi AssassinRathi Assassin card image (pnem) 67
GloomdrifterGloomdrifter card image (tor) 61 #Flying #Threshold
Khabál GhoulKhabál Ghoul card image (arn) 30
Diregraf ColossusDiregraf Colossus card image (soi) 107 #top10k
Golgari RotwurmGolgari Rotwurm card image (rav) 210
Liliana's ReaverLiliana's Reaver card image (m14) 103 #top10k #Deathtouch
Gnawing ZombieGnawing Zombie card image (m14) 99
Vengeful DeadVengeful Dead card image (scg) 80 #top10k
Acererak the ArchlichAcererak the Archlich card image (afr) 372 #top10k
Twisted AbominationTwisted Abomination card image (scg) 76 #Landcycling #Typecycling #Cycling #Swampcycling
Scourge of Nel TothScourge of Nel Toth card image (c15) 21 #top10k #Flying
Fallen ClericFallen Cleric card image (ons) 145 #Morph #Protection
Hancock, Ghoulish MayorHancock, Ghoulish Mayor card image (pip) 382 #top10k #Undying
Returned CentaurReturned Centaur card image (ths) 103 #Mill
Noosegraf MobNoosegraf Mob card image (pemn) 98 #top10k
Forlorn PseudammaForlorn Pseudamma card image (bng) 71 #Inspired #Intimidate
Famished GhoulFamished Ghoul card image (ody) 135
Gray Merchant of AsphodelGray Merchant of Asphodel card image (ths) 89 #top1k
Scared StiffScared Stiff card image (unf) 376
Vulturous ZombieVulturous Zombie card image (rav) 238 #Flying
Corpse ConnoisseurCorpse Connoisseur card image (ala) 68 #top10k #Unearth
Highborn GhoulHighborn Ghoul card image (dka) 68 #Intimidate
Belbe, Corrupted ObserverBelbe, Corrupted Observer card image (cmr) 270 #top10k
Phyrexian ReaperPhyrexian Reaper card image (inv) 117
Death BaronDeath Baron card image (ala) 70 #top10k
Haunted CadaverHaunted Cadaver card image (ons) 154 #Morph
Raving DeadRaving Dead card image (c14) 29 #Deathtouch
Hollow DogsHollow Dogs card image (usg) 137
Rhizome LurcherRhizome Lurcher card image (grn) 196 #Undergrowth
Nim ShamblerNim Shambler card image (mrd) 72
Mire TritonMire Triton card image (thb) 105 #top10k #Mill #Deathtouch
Western PaladinWestern Paladin card image (usg) 168
Lord of the AccursedLord of the Accursed card image (akh) 99 #top10k
Cemetery DesecratorCemetery Desecrator card image (vow) 100 #Menace
Gorex, the TombshellGorex, the Tombshell card image (mic) 20 #top10k #Deathtouch
Stitcher's SupplierStitcher's Supplier card image (m19) 121 #top10k #Mill
Embalmed BrawlerEmbalmed Brawler card image (lgn) 69 #Amplify
Arisen GorgonArisen Gorgon card image (m19) 292
Viscera DraggerViscera Dragger card image (ala) 92 #Unearth #Cycling
Escaped NullEscaped Null card image (roe) 109 #Lifelink
Merciless EternalMerciless Eternal card image (hou) 71 #Afflict
Diregraf ScavengerDiregraf Scavenger card image (vow) 105 #Deathtouch
Terrus WurmTerrus Wurm card image (rtr) 80 #Scavenge
Rotting GiantRotting Giant card image (ody) 158
Storrev, Devkarin LichStorrev, Devkarin Lich card image (war) 219 #top10k #Trample
Calculating LichCalculating Lich card image (gn2) 3 #top10k #Menace
Mindless NullMindless Null card image (zen) 103
Nim GrotesqueNim Grotesque card image (5dn) 56
Archghoul of ThrabenArchghoul of Thraben card image (vow) 93 #top10k
Underrealm LichUnderrealm Lich card image (grn) 211 #top10k
Dungeon CrawlerDungeon Crawler card image (afr) 99
Carrion HowlerCarrion Howler card image (rav) 79
Phyrexian ScutaPhyrexian Scuta card image (pls) 51 #Kicker
Carrion CrowCarrion Crow card image (m15) 88 #Flying
Relentless DeadRelentless Dead card image (soi) 131 #top10k #Menace
PlaguebearerPlaguebearer card image (exo) 71
Two-Headed ZombieTwo-Headed Zombie card image (m19) 123 #Menace
Korlash, Heir to BlackbladeKorlash, Heir to Blackblade card image (pfut) 87★ #Grandeur
Dregscape ZombieDregscape Zombie card image (ala) 74 #Unearth
Dreg ReaverDreg Reaver card image (ala) 73
Entrails FeasterEntrails Feaster card image (ons) 143
Organ GrinderOrgan Grinder card image (tor) 75
Plague DogsPlague Dogs card image (uds) 66
Jarl of the ForsakenJarl of the Forsaken card image (khm) 100 #Flash #Foretell
God-Eternal BontuGod-Eternal Bontu card image (war) 92 #top10k #Menace
Necrogen RotpriestNecrogen Rotpriest card image (one) 212 #top10k #Toxic
Jarad, Golgari Lich LordJarad, Golgari Lich Lord card image (ddj) 45 #top10k
Tomb TyrantTomb Tyrant card image (mic) 23 #top10k
Vogar, Necropolis TyrantVogar, Necropolis Tyrant card image (gn3) 3 #Menace
Shambling ShellShambling Shell card image (rav) 230 #Dredge #Mill
Sibsig HostSibsig Host card image (frf) 82 #Mill
WightWight card image (afr) 127
Grim PhysicianGrim Physician card image (thb) 100
Returned RevelerReturned Reveler card image (jou) 79 #Mill
Miasmic MummyMiasmic Mummy card image (akh) 100
Gutter SkulkGutter Skulk card image (gtc) 67
Noxious GhoulNoxious Ghoul card image (lgn) 77 #top10k
Vile EntomberVile Entomber card image (mh2) 108 #top10k #Deathtouch
Spiteful BullySpiteful Bully card image (nem) 72
God-Eternal RhonasGod-Eternal Rhonas card image (war) 163 #top10k #Deathtouch
Zombie BoaZombie Boa card image (apc) 54
Stromgald CrusaderStromgald Crusader card image (csp) 71 #Protection
Crypt CreeperCrypt Creeper card image (ody) 125
Lotleth GiantLotleth Giant card image (grn) 74 #Undergrowth
Carrion WurmCarrion Wurm card image (tor) 55
Custodi LichCustodi Lich card image (cn2) 41 #top10k
Putrid CyclopsPutrid Cyclops card image (fut) 75 #Scry
Tato FarmerTato Farmer card image (pip) 404 #top10k #Landfall
The FallenThe Fallen card image (drk) 53
Apprentice NecromancerApprentice Necromancer card image (uds) 51 #top10k
Order of YawgmothOrder of Yawgmoth card image (usg) 144 #Fear
Coffin QueenCoffin Queen card image (tmp) 114
Gempalm PolluterGempalm Polluter card image (lgn) 70 #Cycling
Phylactery LichPhylactery Lich card image (m11) 110 #Indestructible
Sultai EmissarySultai Emissary card image (ugin) 85 #Manifest
Phyrexian DelverPhyrexian Delver card image (inv) 115 #top10k
DreadmalkinDreadmalkin card image (war) 87 #Menace
Nim AbominationNim Abomination card image (dst) 49
Grim ServantGrim Servant card image (mh3) 409 #top10k #Menace
Hate WeaverHate Weaver card image (inv) 108
Rank OfficerRank Officer card image (mh1) 102
Carrion FeederCarrion Feeder card image (scg) 59 #top1k
Llanowar DeadLlanowar Dead card image (apc) 109
RagamuffynRagamuffyn card image (dis) 51 #Hellbent
Grim DraugrGrim Draugr card image (khm) 96
Skulking KnightSkulking Knight card image (tsp) 130 #Flanking
Sanguine GuardSanguine Guard card image (usg) 155
Caged ZombieCaged Zombie card image (m21) 91
Walking CorpseWalking Corpse card image (isd) 126
Rotting LegionRotting Legion card image (m11) 115
GravecrawlerGravecrawler card image (pdka) 64★ #top10k
Loyal SubordinateLoyal Subordinate card image (c18) 16 #top10k #Menace #Lieutenant
Reclusive WightReclusive Wight card image (usg) 153
Grave ScrabblerGrave Scrabbler card image (fut) 86 #top10k #Madness
Blighted BatBlighted Bat card image (akh) 80 #Flying
Draugr NecromancerDraugr Necromancer card image (khm) 351 #top10k
Ghastly RemainsGhastly Remains card image (lgn) 71 #Amplify
PoxwalkersPoxwalkers card image (40k) 49 #top10k #Deathtouch
Sightless GhoulSightless Ghoul card image (dka) 73 #Undying
Mikaeus, the UnhallowedMikaeus, the Unhallowed card image (dka) 70 #top10k #Intimidate
Cyclopean GiantCyclopean Giant card image (tsp) 100
Accursed HordeAccursed Horde card image (hou) 56
Bone DancerBone Dancer card image (wth) 62
Zombie BruteZombie Brute card image (lgn) 87 #Amplify #Trample
Gutless GhoulGutless Ghoul card image (csp) 60
Crypt FeasterCrypt Feaster card image (fdn) 59 #Threshold #Menace #NEW
Brain GorgersBrain Gorgers card image (plc) 65 #Madness
Butcher GhoulButcher Ghoul card image (avr) 89 #top10k #Undying
Scourge ServantScourge Servant card image (mbs) 54 #Infect
Lifebane ZombieLifebane Zombie card image (m14) 101 #Intimidate
Undead GladiatorUndead Gladiator card image (ons) 178 #Cycling
Accursed CentaurAccursed Centaur card image (ons) 123
Elvish DreadlordElvish Dreadlord card image (cmr) 121 #top10k #Encore #Deathtouch
ShriekdiverShriekdiver card image (war) 103 #Flying
Undead AugurUndead Augur card image (mh1) 112 #top10k
HelldozerHelldozer card image (rav) 88
Glowing OneGlowing One card image (pip) 604 #top10k #Mill #Deathtouch
GhoulraiserGhoulraiser card image (isd) 102
Nested GhoulNested Ghoul card image (mbs) 48
Withered WretchWithered Wretch card image (f03) 12 #top10k
Zombie GoliathZombie Goliath card image (m10) 123
Cemetery ReaperCemetery Reaper card image (m10) 87 #top10k
Rotting RegisaurRotting Regisaur card image (m20) 111 #top10k
GravediggerGravedigger card image (por) 95 #top10k
Maggot CarrierMaggot Carrier card image (pls) 45
Glissa, Herald of PredationGlissa, Herald of Predation card image (mom) 226 #top10k #Incubate #Transform
Bog RaidersBog Raiders card image (por) 82 #Landwalk #Swampwalk
Coffin PuppetsCoffin Puppets card image (pcy) 60
Dread WightDread Wight card image (ice) 122
Maalfeld TwinsMaalfeld Twins card image (avr) 112
Sibsig MuckdraggersSibsig Muckdraggers card image (frf) 83 #Delve
Grim GuardianGrim Guardian card image (jou) 73 #top10k #Constellation
Boneyard ScourgeBoneyard Scourge card image (c17) 15 #top10k #Flying
Undead ServantUndead Servant card image (ori) 124
Dread WandererDread Wanderer card image (akh) 88
Diregraf HordeDiregraf Horde card image (mid) 96
Champion of the PerishedChampion of the Perished card image (mid) 344 #top10k
Kheru DreadmawKheru Dreadmaw card image (ktk) 76 #Defender
Wight of the ReliquaryWight of the Reliquary card image (mh3) 207 #top10k #Vigilance
Deathspore ThallidDeathspore Thallid card image (tsp) 102 #top10k
Silumgar ButcherSilumgar Butcher card image (dtk) 122 #Exploit
Soul-Shackled ZombieSoul-Shackled Zombie card image (fdn) 70 #NEW
Dread SlaverDread Slaver card image (avr) 98
The Foretold SoldierThe Foretold Soldier card image (who) 102 #Foretell
CarnophageCarnophage card image (exo) 53
Spineless ThugSpineless Thug card image (nem) 71
Unshakable TailUnshakable Tail card image (mkc) 29 #top10k #Surveil #Investigate
Zombie CannibalZombie Cannibal card image (ody) 169
Vindictive LichVindictive Lich card image (c17) 21 #top10k
Zombie CutthroatZombie Cutthroat card image (scg) 81 #Morph
Pontiff of BlightPontiff of Blight card image (dgm) 27 #top10k #Extort
CryptbreakerCryptbreaker card image (emn) 86 #top10k
Sludge TitanSludge Titan card image (clu) 43 #Trample #Mill
Scavenging GhoulScavenging Ghoul card image (lea) 126
Festering MummyFestering Mummy card image (akh) 91
Marrow ChomperMarrow Chomper card image (arb) 93 #Devour
NecrosavantNecrosavant card image (mgb) 4
Wretched CamelWretched Camel card image (hou) 82
Siege ZombieSiege Zombie card image (mid) 121
Dauthi GhoulDauthi Ghoul card image (tmp) 121 #Shadow
Cyclopean MummyCyclopean Mummy card image (leg) 93
Nim ShriekerNim Shrieker card image (mrd) 73 #Flying
Rancid RatsRancid Rats card image (soi) 130 #top10k #Skulk #Deathtouch
Carrion ScreecherCarrion Screecher card image (hou) 61 #Flying
Dead RevelerDead Reveler card image (rtr) 62 #Unleash
Herald of the DreadhordeHerald of the Dreadhorde card image (war) 93 #Amass
Nested ShamblerNested Shambler card image (mh2) 399 #top10k
Polukranos, UnchainedPolukranos, Unchained card image (thb) 224 #top10k #Fight #Escape
Forsaken DriftersForsaken Drifters card image (bng) 72 #Mill
Phyrexian CrusaderPhyrexian Crusader card image (mbs) 50 #top10k #Protection #Infect
Mindleech GhoulMindleech Ghoul card image (vow) 122 #Exploit
Moldering KarokMoldering Karok card image (stx) 206 #Lifelink #Trample
Walking DeadWalking Dead card image (leg) 126
Black CatBlack Cat card image (dka) 54
Nim ReplicaNim Replica card image (mrd) 220
Soulless OneSoulless One card image (ons) 171
Sutured GhoulSutured Ghoul card image (jud) 73 #Trample
Festering GoblinFestering Goblin card image (ons) 148
Nantuko HuskNantuko Husk card image (ons) 159 #top10k
Rotting FensnakeRotting Fensnake card image (isd) 113
Gluttonous ZombieGluttonous Zombie card image (ons) 151 #Fear
Waning WurmWaning Wurm card image (plc) 83 #Vanishing
Polluted DeadPolluted Dead card image (avr) 116
Marsh HulkMarsh Hulk card image (dtk) 109 #Megamorph
Sidisi's PetSidisi's Pet card image (ktk) 90 #Lifelink #Morph
Shambling GoblinShambling Goblin card image (dtk) 118
Baloth NullBaloth Null card image (ogw) 152
Toxic NimToxic Nim card image (nph) 75 #Infect
SangrophageSangrophage card image (tsp) 127
Lazotep ReaverLazotep Reaver card image (war) 96 #top10k #Amass
Rotting RatsRotting Rats card image (con) 51 #top10k #Unearth
Corpulent CorpseCorpulent Corpse card image (tsp) 98 #Suspend #Fear
Servant of TymaretServant of Tymaret card image (bng) 82 #Inspired
Wretched AnuridWretched Anurid card image (ons) 183 #top10k
Hungry GhoulHungry Ghoul card image (fdn) 62 #NEW
Haunted DeadHaunted Dead card image (emn) 92
Undead ButlerUndead Butler card image (vow) 133 #top10k #Mill
Tsabo's AssassinTsabo's Assassin card image (inv) 128
Plague BelcherPlague Belcher card image (akh) 104 #top10k #Menace
Shambling AttendantsShambling Attendants card image (ktk) 89 #Delve #Deathtouch
Crow of Dark TidingsCrow of Dark Tidings card image (soi) 105 #Flying #Mill
Blackcleave GoblinBlackcleave Goblin card image (som) 54 #Haste #Infect
Blood ScrivenerBlood Scrivener card image (dgm) 22
Tormod, the DesecratorTormod, the Desecrator card image (cmr) 155 #top10k #Partner
Tainted AdversaryTainted Adversary card image (mid) 124 #top10k #Deathtouch
Headless RiderHeadless Rider card image (vow) 118 #top10k
Gravebane ZombieGravebane Zombie card image (mir) 127
Cackling FiendCackling Fiend card image (usg) 121
Scathe ZombiesScathe Zombies card image (lea) 125
Zombie AssassinZombie Assassin card image (ody) 168
Khenra EternalKhenra Eternal card image (hou) 66 #Afflict
Phyrexian ProwlerPhyrexian Prowler card image (nem) 65 #Fading
Fleshbag MarauderFleshbag Marauder card image (ala) 76 #top1k
Zombie MobZombie Mob card image (mir) 153
Putrid ImpPutrid Imp card image (tor) 77 #top10k #Threshold
Thraben FoulbloodsThraben Foulbloods card image (emn) 108 #Delirium
Corpse BlockadeCorpse Blockade card image (gtc) 60 #Defender
Veilborn GhoulVeilborn Ghoul card image (m13) 114
Gristle GrinnerGristle Grinner card image (csp) 59
MolderhulkMolderhulk card image (grn) 190 #Undergrowth
Sewer ShamblerSewer Shambler card image (rtr) 75 #Scavenge #Landwalk #Swampwalk
GhoulsteedGhoulsteed card image (soi) 113
Severed LegionSevered Legion card image (ons) 166 #Fear
Putrid LeechPutrid Leech card image (arb) 95
Dreg ManglerDreg Mangler card image (ddj) 56 #Scavenge #Haste
Accursed MarauderAccursed Marauder card image (mh3) 405 #top10k
Lord of the UndeadLord of the Undead card image (pls) 44 #top10k
Sepulcher GhoulSepulcher Ghoul card image (afr) 118
Foulmire Knight // Profane InsightFoulmire Knight // Profane Insight card image (eld) 286 #top10k #Deathtouch
Hobbling ZombieHobbling Zombie card image (mid) 106 #Deathtouch
Graf ReaverGraf Reaver card image (vow) 115 #Exploit
Mass of GhoulsMass of Ghouls card image (fut) 88

#Changelings (27):
Bloodline PretenderBloodline Pretender card image (khm) 235 #top10k #Changeling
Guardian GladewalkerGuardian Gladewalker card image (khm) 174 #top10k #Changeling
Venomous ChangelingVenomous Changeling card image (mh1) 114 #top10k #Changeling #Deathtouch
Maskwood NexusMaskwood Nexus card image (khm) 240 #top1k
Amorphous AxeAmorphous Axe card image (mh1) 219 #Equip
RealmwalkerRealmwalker card image (khm) 188 #top1k #Changeling
Gladewalker RitualistGladewalker Ritualist card image (khm) 392 #Changeling
Skeletal ChangelingSkeletal Changeling card image (lrw) 140 #top10k #Changeling
Runed StalactiteRuned Stalactite card image (lrw) 260 #Equip
Three Tree MascotThree Tree Mascot card image (blb) 251 #top10k #Changeling
Woodland ChangelingWoodland Changeling card image (lrw) 242 #top10k #Changeling
Nameless InversionNameless Inversion card image (lrw) 128 #top10k #Changeling
Ghostly ChangelingGhostly Changeling card image (lrw) 116 #Changeling
Webweaver ChangelingWebweaver Changeling card image (mh1) 192 #Reach #Changeling
Game-Trail ChangelingGame-Trail Changeling card image (mor) 123 #Trample #Changeling
Cairn WandererCairn Wanderer card image (lrw) 105 #top10k #Changeling
GraveshifterGraveshifter card image (mh1) 94 #top10k #Changeling
Littjara Glade-WardenLittjara Glade-Warden card image (khm) 182 #Changeling
Changeling TitanChangeling Titan card image (lrw) 200 #Champion #Changeling
Formless GenesisFormless Genesis card image (dsc) 34 #Retrace #Changeling
Chameleon ColossusChameleon Colossus card image (mor) 116 #top10k #Protection #Changeling
Changeling OutcastChangeling Outcast card image (mh1) 82 #top1k #Changeling
Barkform HarvesterBarkform Harvester card image (blb) 243 #top10k #Reach #Changeling
Masked VandalMasked Vandal card image (khm) 184 #top10k #Changeling
ArachnoformArachnoform card image (khm) 159 #Enchant
Moonglove ChangelingMoonglove Changeling card image (mor) 67 #Changeling
Universal AutomatonUniversal Automaton card image (mh1) 235 #top10k #Changeling

#Support (85):
Awaken the ErstwhileAwaken the Erstwhile card image (rna) 61 #top10k
Liliana, Untouched by DeathLiliana, Untouched by Death card image (m19) 106 #top10k #Mill
Bleeding EdgeBleeding Edge card image (war) 78 #Amass
Strength of NightStrength of Night card image (apc) 86 #Kicker
Grave BetrayalGrave Betrayal card image (rtr) 67 #top10k
Syphon FleshSyphon Flesh card image (cmd) 103 #top10k
Rise from the GraveRise from the Grave card image (m10) 109 #top10k
Gisa's BiddingGisa's Bidding card image (soi) 114 #Madness
Liliana, Death's MajestyLiliana, Death's Majesty card image (akh) 97 #top10k #Mill
Transmogrant AltarTransmogrant Altar card image (bro) 124 #top10k
Waste NotWaste Not card image (m15) 122 #top10k
Rise of the Dread MarnRise of the Dread Marn card image (khm) 107 #top10k #Foretell
From Under the FloorboardsFrom Under the Floorboards card image (soi) 111 #top10k #Madness
Moan of the UnhallowedMoan of the Unhallowed card image (isd) 109 #Flashback
CorpseweftCorpseweft card image (dtk) 92
Soul SeparatorSoul Separator card image (emn) 199
Liliana's MasteryLiliana's Mastery card image (akh) 98 #top10k
Curse of Shallow GravesCurse of Shallow Graves card image (c13) 71 #top10k #Enchant
NecromentiaNecromentia card image (m21) 116
Gisa's Favorite ShovelGisa's Favorite Shovel card image (sld) 581 #top10k #Equip
Necrotic HexNecrotic Hex card image (cmr) 137 #top10k
Cellar DoorCellar Door card image (isd) 218
Embalmer's ToolsEmbalmer's Tools card image (akh) 227 #Mill
Necromantic SelectionNecromantic Selection card image (c14) 26 #top10k
Zombie InfestationZombie Infestation card image (ody) 170 #top10k
Vile RebirthVile Rebirth card image (m13) 115
Curse of DisturbanceCurse of Disturbance card image (c17) 16 #top10k #Enchant
SarcomancySarcomancy card image (tmp) 154
Nim DeathmantleNim Deathmantle card image (som) 188 #top10k #Equip
Dread SummonsDread Summons card image (c15) 20 #top10k #Mill
Oath of LilianaOath of Liliana card image (emn) 99 #top10k
GravedigGravedig card image (mh3) 96 #Entwine
Ghoulcaller's HarvestGhoulcaller's Harvest card image (mid) 225 #Flashback
Army of the DamnedArmy of the Damned card image (isd) 87 #top10k #Flashback
Cruel RevivalCruel Revival card image (ons) 135
Dunes of the DeadDunes of the Dead card image (hou) 175 #top10k
Midnight RitualMidnight Ritual card image (mmq) 146
Zombie ApocalypseZombie Apocalypse card image (pdka) 80 #top10k
Dying to ServeDying to Serve card image (vow) 109 #top10k
Feast or FamineFeast or Famine card image (all) 49a
Toll of the InvasionToll of the Invasion card image (war) 108 #Amass
Deadly PlotDeadly Plot card image (j22) 22 #top10k
Svogthos, the Restless TombSvogthos, the Restless Tomb card image (rav) 283 #top10k
Wand of OrcusWand of Orcus card image (afc) 28 #top10k #Equip
Dark SalvationDark Salvation card image (emn) 87 #top10k
Tymaret Calls the DeadTymaret Calls the Dead card image (thb) 118 #Mill #Scry
Crawl from the CellarCrawl from the Cellar card image (mid) 93 #Flashback
Dreadhorde InvasionDreadhorde Invasion card image (war) 86 #top10k #Amass
Cradle of the AccursedCradle of the Accursed card image (akh) 241 #top10k
Field of the DeadField of the Dead card image (m20) 247 #top1k
Ghoulish ProcessionGhoulish Procession card image (mid) 102 #top10k
Ever AfterEver After card image (soi) 109 #top10k
Empty the PitsEmpty the Pits card image (ktk) 72 #Delve
Liliana, the Last HopeLiliana, the Last Hope card image (emn) 93 #top10k #Mill
Crowded CryptCrowded Crypt card image (mic) 17 #top10k
Call to the GraveCall to the Grave card image (scg) 58 #top10k
Lazotep QuarryLazotep Quarry card image (m3c) 131 #top10k
Rotten ReunionRotten Reunion card image (mid) 119 #Flashback
Shamble BackShamble Back card image (soi) 134
Mindless ConscriptionMindless Conscription card image (mh3) 101 #Amass
Clutch of UndeathClutch of Undeath card image (scg) 61 #Enchant
Stir the SandsStir the Sands card image (akh) 110 #Cycling
GhoulfleshGhoulflesh card image (avr) 103 #Enchant
Graf HarvestGraf Harvest card image (emn) 90 #top10k
Unholy GrottoUnholy Grotto card image (ons) 327 #top10k
No Way OutNo Way Out card image (mid) 116
Curse of the Restless DeadCurse of the Restless Dead card image (mic) 18 #top10k #Enchant
Tombstone StairwellTombstone Stairwell card image (mir) 149 #top10k
Hour of PromiseHour of Promise card image (hou) 120 #top10k
Draugr's HelmDraugr's Helm card image (khm) 88 #Equip
Vault 12: The NecropolisVault 12: The Necropolis card image (pip) 51 #top10k
Endless Ranks of the DeadEndless Ranks of the Dead card image (isd) 99 #top10k
Victim of NightVictim of Night card image (isd) 124 #top10k
Open the GravesOpen the Graves card image (m19) 112 #top10k

#Non-commander-legal (54):
Zombie FanboyZombie Fanboy card image (unh) 69 #top100
Fanatic of RhonasFanatic of Rhonas card image (tmh3) 15 #top100 #Ferocious
War of the SparkWar of the Spark card image (ph19) 3 #top100 #Proliferate
Zombie BerserkerZombie Berserker card image (tkhm) 9 #top100
Bad AssBad Ass card image (unh) 49 #top100
The Fallen ApartThe Fallen Apart card image (unh) 55 #top100
ZombieZombie card image (tugl) 3 #top100
ZombifiedZombified card image (ust) 75 #top100 #Augment
Zombie ArmyZombie Army card image (twar) 10 #top100
ZombieZombie card image (tbro) 11 #top100
Cyclopean TitanCyclopean Titan card image (cmb1) 40 #top100
WalkerWalker card image (sld) 148 #top100
Adorned PouncerAdorned Pouncer card image (thou) 1 #top100
Zombie HorrorZombie Horror card image (tdtk) 4 #top100
Zombie GiantZombie Giant card image (tzen) 7 #top100
Sunscourge ChampionSunscourge Champion card image (thou) 9 #top100
Rotted Ones, Lay SiegeRotted Ones, Lay Siege card image (oarc) 38★ #top100
Timeless WitnessTimeless Witness card image (tmh2) 5 #top100
Steadfast SentinelSteadfast Sentinel card image (thou) 8 #top100 #Vigilance
Skullbriar, the Walking GraveSkullbriar, the Walking Grave card image (pcmd) 227 #top10k #Haste
Resilient KhenraResilient Khenra card image (thou) 6 #top100
Extremely Slow ZombieExtremely Slow Zombie card image (ust) 54a #top100
Buried OgreBuried Ogre card image (cmb1) 36 #top100
Champion of WitsChampion of Wits card image (thou) 2 #top100
Zombie MutantZombie Mutant card image (tpip) 7 #top100
DreamstealerDreamstealer card image (thou) 3 #top100 #Menace
ZombieZombie card image (tust) 9 #top100
DeadheadDeadhead card image (ugl) 30 #top100
Zombie KnightZombie Knight card image (tdom) 5 #top100 #Menace
Earthshaker KhenraEarthshaker Khenra card image (thou) 4 #top100 #Haste
ZombieZombie card image (tbng) 6 #top100
Everlasting LichEverlasting Lich card image (cmb1) 41 #top100
Proven CombatantProven Combatant card image (thou) 5 #top100
The Fourth SphereThe Fourth Sphere card image (ohop) 11 #top100
Nim MongooseNim Mongoose card image (da1) UB01b #top100 #Shroud #Threshold
Artifact ZombieArtifact Zombie card image (ptbro) 3 #top100
ZombieZombie card image (pemn) 1Z #top100
Zombie WarriorZombie Warrior card image (twar) 11 #top100 #Vigilance
Hoisted HirelingHoisted Hireling card image (ust) 58 #top100
VecnaVecna card image (tafr) 8 #top100 #Indestructible
Zombie EmployeeZombie Employee card image (tunf) 6 #top100
Timeless DragonTimeless Dragon card image (tmh2) 4 #top100 #Flying
Temp of the DamnedTemp of the Damned card image (ugl) 38 #top100
ZombieZombie card image (tjou) 2 #top100
Innistrad CharmInnistrad Charm card image (da1) UB02c #top100
ZombieZombie card image (tmid) 5 #top100 #Decayed
NaktamunNaktamun card image (moc) 58 #top100
Skull SaucerSkull Saucer card image (ust) 66 #top100 #Flying
Snake // ZombieSnake // Zombie card image (cc2) 9 #top100 #Deathtouch
Lair of the Ashen IdolLair of the Ashen Idol card image (opc2) 24 #top100
BloodletterBloodletter card image (unh) 50 #top100

#r= gives the edhrec rank of the card; the lower the ranking, the more decks the card is played in.